
The Complete Guide to Dairy-Free Keto Diet Essentials With Diet Plan

What is the Ketogenic Diet?

A ketogenic diet is a way of eating that is very low in carbohydrates. Reducing carbs changes the body’s metabolism and is perfect for easy weight loss. The metabolic process burns fat when it doesn’t have enough carbohydrates. There are, however, many more important benefits. The ketogenic diet limits the amounts of grains, starches, and sugars consumed and fuels your body with fat. This reduces insulin levels and lets fat burn much more efficiently. In a 2003 study, participants using a ketogenic diet lost more than twice the weight than participants who restricted calories. One of the reasons for this rapid weight loss is that the ketogenic diet replicates the state of fasting. A fasting person burns fat, and the ketogenic diet derives its energy primarily from burned fat. The typical ketogenic diet gets 70 percent of calories from fat, 20 percent from protein, and 5 percent from carbohydrates.

Why go Keto?

When you eat a ketogenic diet, your body becomes efficient at burning fat for fuel. This is great for many reasons, not the least of which is that fat contains more than double the calories of most carbs, so you need to eat far less food by weight every day. Your body more readily burns the fat it has stored (the fat you’re trying to get rid of), resulting in more weight loss. Using fat for fuel provides consistent energy levels and does not spike your blood glucose, so you don’t experience the highs and lows when eating large amounts of carbs. Constant energy levels throughout your day mean you can get more done and feel less tired.

In addition to those benefits, eating a keto diet in the long term has been proven to:

  • · result in more weight loss (specifically body fat) 
  • · Reduce blood sugar and insulin resistance (commonly reversing prediabetes and type 2 diabetes) 
  • · Reduce triglyceride levels 
  • · Reduce blood pressure 
  • · Improve levels of HDL (good) and LDL (bad) cholesterol 
  • · Improve brain function

Losing Weight with the Ketogenic Diet?

The following tips should be applied while losing weight through the ketogenic diet plan:

1. Choose a diet containing fewer carbohydrates

You need to cut down on your consumption of starch and sugar. This idea is more than a century old. There have been many diet plans based on reducing the amount of carbs you take. The new thing with the Ketogenic diet is that you provide your body with an alternate source of energy to depend on, which is fats. When you do not eat carbohydrates or eat them moderately, your body can burn 300 additional calories daily, even when resting! This amount of burnt calories equals a gym session of moderate physical activity.

2. Eat when you feel hungry

You do not need to stay hungry all the time to lose weight. This is the most common mistake people who start a low-carb diet commit. In the Ketogenic diet, you do not have to be scared of fats. Carbohydrates and fats are two significant sources of energy for our body. If you are snatching carbs from your body, you must give it an ample supply of fats. Low fats and low carbs equal starvation, and we do not want that, do we? Starvation results in cravings and fatigue. That is why people who starve give up easily on their diet plans. The better solution is to consume natural fat until you are satisfied. Some natural fats are full-fat Cream, butter, olive oil, meat, bacon, fatty fish, coconut oil, and eggs.

3. Eat real food

This is one more common mistake made by Ketogenic followers. They get fooled by the fraudulent but creative marketing of “low-carb” foods. A natural Ketogenic diet should be supported by real food. It implies the food humans have eaten for millions of years—for example, fish, meat, vegetables, olive oil, butter, nuts, etc.

4. Eat only if you feel hungry

You must have read tip number 2 above. In the Ketogenic diet, eat when you are hungry. Do not eat when you are not feeling hungry. Let us elaborate on why we are stressing this point again. Unnecessary snacking may become a mammoth issue in the Ketogenic diet. Some products are just so readily available, and they are so tempting that you cannot resist them.

5. You can skip meals

Yes, you heard it right. You can even skip breakfast if you are not feeling hungry. This holds truth for any meal. When you strictly follow the Ketogenic diet, your hunger goes down significantly, especially if you have to lose a lot of weight. Your body is happily busy burning excess fats and reducing your eating temptations.

6. Wisely measure your development

Losing weight successfully might get trickier sometimes. If you focus on your weight and step on the weighing scale all the time, you may get misled. It de-motivates you and makes you anxious needlessly.

7. Be persistent

In several years, you will have all those chunks of fat around your waist and thighs. So, how do you expect to lose all the extra fat in just a few weeks? If you want to shed that excess weight permanently, you have to make persistent efforts.

What Is the Difference Between Dairy-Free Keto and Paleo? 

The paleo diet is based on what prehistoric humans might have eaten. It eliminates grains, legumes, processed sugar, and most dairy sources. Still, it lets you eat meats, eggs, nuts and seeds, fruits, vegetables, unrefined fats and oils, and natural sweeteners (such as maple syrup and honey). Although it is relatively low-carb, it does not restrict carbohydrates to the same degree as the keto diet and, therefore, does not engage in ketosis. On the other hand, the keto diet focuses primarily on the three macronutrients: fat, protein, and carbohydrates. By consuming a lot of fat but not very much protein and very few carbs, someone on the keto diet can induce ketosis, a metabolic state in which the body burns fat instead of carbohydrates for energy. The big, shiny difference between the two is ketosis—teaching your body to keep burning fat—and that is what we’re after.

Benefits of Diary-Free Keto

People choose to go dairy-free for several reasons. Perhaps the most common is lactose intolerance (the inability to digest lactose, the sugar found in Milk)—which 65 percent of people worldwide have, according to the National Institutes of Health. There are a host of additional medical conditions and symptoms that can be negatively impacted by dairy consumption, and it’s essential to check in with your health and assess whether eliminating dairy might help you achieve your specific desires and goals. If you have any of the following conditions, consider whether dairy-free might be the correct modifier for your keto diet. It certainly was for me. 

Stomach Pain: When stomach pain results from food sensitivities, it can be challenging to pinpoint the problem. An elimination diet can be helpful, and often, the problem is dairy products. My stomach was constantly hurting and uneasy, even after I had adapted to the keto diet. Once I went dairy-free, the problem was solved. 

Severe Bloating: The inability to break down lactose can lead to major digestive problems, including gas and bloating. For those already prone to inflammation, dairy can aggravate the symptoms. 

Constipation: Many people prone to constipation are sensitive to specific ingredients, dairy being one of them. 

Gut Health: The impact of dietary changes on the human microbiome (the trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that make up much of the body) is a constantly expanding area of science. According to the T.H. Chan School of Public Health at Harvard University, specific dietary influences can cause a disturbance in the balance of coexisting microbiota in the body. It wasn’t until dairy-free Keto helped me heal my gut that I realized this was the root of many of my issues. 

Lactose Intolerance: If you’ve been holding back from Keto because you’re lactose intolerant, and it seems to involve so much butter and Cheese, worry no more! You don’t have to eat dairy to eat Keto; you can still reap all the benefits. It’s also worth noting that many people are lactose intolerant and don’t realize it; many of the symptoms listed on this page can often be traced back to an absence of lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose. If you have even mild issues with certain dairy products, it’s something to consider. 

Stalled Weight Loss: If you feel you’re doing everything right and still can’t get past that stubborn weight-loss plateau, try eliminating dairy. It might just be exactly what your body needs—either because of the conditions above, such as bloating and lactose intolerance, or simply because it will change your caloric intake. 

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, PCOS is “one of the most common endocrine disorders among women of reproductive age.” Although current studies are inconclusive, it’s possible that dairy intake can aggravate PCOS symptoms. Further research is needed to draw firm conclusions, but the anecdotal evidence was enough to convince me it was worth a try—and now I can add my own story to that list. 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Most people with IBS are lactose intolerant, so keeping your diet dairy-free will help alleviate IBS symptoms and aid with stomach comfort.

Diary-Free Keto-Friendly Ingredients in Your Pantry

  • · Almond flour 
  • · Alternative sweeteners, such as Swerve (granulated and confectioners’) 
  • · Baking powder 
  • · Bone broth 
  • · Cayenne Coconut flour 
  • · Coconut milk, canned 
  • · Coconut, shredded 
  • · Grapeseed oil 
  • · Olive oil, Pepper, black 
  • · Salt, such as Himalayan pink salt, which is loaded with minerals and trace nutrients; I use it on everything 
  • · Vanilla extract, alcohol-free

Refrigerated Essentials

  • · Bacon Barbecue sauce, sugar-free, low-carb (such as Tessemae’s brand) 
  • · Broccoli 
  • · Cauliflower 
  • · Cream cheese, dairy-free (such as Kite Hill brand) 
  • · Eggs 
  • · Ketchup, sugar-free, low-carb (such as Primal Kitchen brand) 
  • · Marinades, sugar-free, low-carb 
  • · Mayonnaise, sugar-free, low-carb (such as Primal Kitchen brand) 
  • · Meats, grass-fed 
  • · Mustard, sugar-free, low-carb (such as Primal Kitchen brand) 
  • · Pickles 
  • · Plain Yogurt, dairy-free (such as Kite Hill brand) 
  • · Salami, sugar-free, low-carb 
  • · Other vegetables and greens

Other Perishable Essentials

  • · Avocados 
  • · Garlic 
  • · Lemons 
  • · Onions 
  • · Tomatoes

The Deal with Ghee 

Many wonder if ghee or clarified butter is the exception to the dairy-free rule. I will not be using ghee throughout this book to keep it 100 percent dairy-free, but some people with lactose intolerance can tolerate ghee, as it has deficient levels of lactose and is thus unlikely to cause a reaction. However, you should always know and understand your tolerance levels and dietary preferences. Feel free to replace the oils in my recipes with equal amounts of ghee for those who can and do use ghee.

Cooking Equipment

To cook the recipe in this book. You don’t necessarily need a bunch of fancy equipment in your kitchen. These are a few essential items you should have in your kitchen.

Cutting Board: Because you’ll be slicing, dicing, and mincing fresh ingredients, you need a proper surface for safe and handy chopping. 

Cast Iron Skillet: I love to cook with a cast iron skillet because it can go straight from stovetop to oven and is an excellent tool for searing and roasting meat. My cast iron skillet was my grandmother’s, and every time I use it, I think of her (though I’m sure she wasn’t cooking Keto!). 

Blender: Because we’re creating dairy-free recipes, we lose many natural binders that help strengthen ingredients. A blender will help quickly incorporate elements. 

Good Knife: A good sharp knife is essential to make all ingredients come together (or apart!) more easily. I love Cutco-brand knives. 

Baking Sheets: You can cook everything from salmon to cookies on a baking sheet, so having two or three 13-by-18-inch rimmed baking sheets on hand is excellent. Use nonstick pans or layer parchment paper for easy cleanup. Nice to Have Once you’ve started cooking more often, you might like a few extra tools to fill out your kitchen arsenal. 

Stand Mixer: A stand mixer (rather than a handheld electric mixer) is excellent for baking. You can combine your ingredients simultaneously as you chop, wash, or perform other kitchen tasks, minimizing your prep time. 

Baking Dishes: I often use 9-by-13-inch and 8-by-11-inch baking dishes when I cook keto meals. Baking dishes have deeper sides than rimmed baking sheets, so they work for various recipes, from roasts to casseroles to desserts. Enameled cast iron baking sheets are pricey but conduct heat exceptionally well and are versatile (they can even be used on the stovetop). Tempered glass (like Pyrex) or enameled ceramic baking dishes are the next best thing; they’re durable, and most are suitable for use with a wide range of oven temperatures. 

Mixing Bowls: Having small, medium, and large mixing bowls makes cooking so much simpler. They’re easy to store and wash, so you’ll always have a clean one handy and appropriately sized for your ingredients (which helps avoid messes in the kitchen due to overfilled bowls). 

Splatter Screen: A splatter screen is a game changer for stovetop cooking. Place the screen (usually made of stainless steel or silicone) on top of the active pan to catch any bubbling oils or splashes.

Swap It Out! 

Foods You Should Consume More

MeatsLow-carb Veggies
– Bison– Avocados
– Beef– Asparagus
– Beef liver– Broccoli
– Pork– Brussels sprouts
– Chicken– Cabbage
– Seafood– Cauliflower
– Sausage (Without fillers)– Green beans
– Turkey– Lettuce
– Kale
– Mushrooms
– Olives
– Okra
– Pickles
– Onions
– Radishes
– Scallions
– Shallots
– Spaghetti squash (in moderation)

Food You Should Consume in Moderation

Nuts & SeedsBerriesArtificial Sweeteners
– Almonds– Blueberries– Erythritol (E.g. Swerve)
– Chia seeds– Blackberries– Monk fruit sweetener
– Cashews– Strawberries– Stevia
– Flaxseeds– Raspberries
– Hazelnuts
– Macadamia nuts
– Nut butter
– Peanuts
– Pecans
– Pine nuts
– Pili nuts
– Pistachios
– Walnuts
– Pumpkin seeds

Foods to Avoid

– Cream– Breads– Apricots
– Cheese– Candy– Apples
– Cream Cheese– Pasta– Bananas
– Milk – Corn– Dates
– Yogurt– Rice– Grapes
– Potatoes– Grapefruit
– Winter– Honeydew
– Squashes– Kiwi
– Mangoes
– Oranges
– Peaches
– Prunes

3 Day Dairy-Free Keto Diet Plan

Day 1: Dairy-Free Keto Diet Plan

MealFoodCaloriesCarbs (g)Protein (g)Fats (g)
BreakfastScrambled Eggs with Spinach35072027
Avocado Slices1206110
LunchGrilled Chicken Salad45063530
Olive Oil and Vinegar Dressing1200014
DinnerBaked Salmon with Broccoli40083524
Snack (Optional)Celery Sticks with Guacamole1204111

Day 2: Dairy-Free Keto Diet Plan

MealFoodCaloriesCarbs (g)Protein (g)Fats (g)
BreakfastOmelette with Spinach and Mushrooms38072130
LunchGrilled Shrimp Salad42063528
Lemon-Herb Dressing1303014
SnackMixed Nuts1805516
DinnerRoast Chicken with Asparagus45084027
Snack (Optional)Cucumber Slices with Hummus1201028

Day 3: Dairy-Free Keto Diet Plan

MealFoodCaloriesCarbs (g)Protein (g)Fats (g)
BreakfastScrambled Eggs with Spinach35072027
Sliced Avocado1206110
LunchGrilled Salmon Salad48073634
Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing1303014
DinnerBeef Stir-Fry with Cauliflower Rice42093527
Snack (Optional)Bell Pepper Slices with Guacamole1206111