Breakfast Recipes for the South Beach Diet

At this point in the website, you have all the information regarding the South Beach Diet. You know about the diet’s three phases, the food you’re allowed to eat, the advantages and disadvantages of the diet, and some strategy tips you may want to implement while on this diet plan. This chapter will walk you through some breakfast recipes you can create and consume while on the South Beach Diet. Suppose you’re someone who typically orders out instead of making meals on your own. In that case, this will be an excellent opportunity to change this habit and nutritionally set yourself in a better direction. 

South Beach Diet Breakfast Recipe 1: The American Breakfast

  • 2 eggs
  • 2 pieces of Canadian bacon
  • 2 tomatoes, sliced thinly
  • 6 ounces of vegetable juice cocktail
  • A glass of coffee or tea, either with fat-free milk or some sugar substitute

Nutritional Information Per 1 Breakfast:

  • Calories: 383
  • Total Fat: 14 grams
  • Protein: 26 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 2.5 grams

Directions for the American Breakfast: 

Begin by scrambling the eggs as usual when you aren’t dieting. You certainly can add cheese to your eggs, but remember that you’re only allowed a ¼ cup of dairy daily. This meal should fill you up without any cheese, so saving the cheese for another meal throughout the day might be a good idea. While the eggs are scrambling, add the Canadian bacon to another pan on the stovetop and prepare until it’s fully cooked. Next, slice your tomatoes. Once the eggs and Canadian bacon are finished cooking, remove them from heat and place the tomatoes on top. Remember, you won’t want to cook the tomatoes because this will take some nutrients away. Keep the tomatoes raw. Prepare your coffee or tea, and pour your vegetable juice cocktail. Make good choices about what you put into your coffee as you prepare it. Savour this meal, and pay attention while you’re eating it. 

South Beach Diet Breakfast Recipe 2: Mini Egg Muffins 

  • Between 12-15 eggs. This recipe makes twelve muffins
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin 
  • ¼ cup of cheese, parmesan, or cheddar works well for this recipe 
  • 3 green onions, diced 
  • ¼ cup of Broccoli or onion, chopped into small pieces. Make sure they’re small enough to fit into muffins 
  • 1 slice of Canadian bacon or turkey bacon 

Directions for the Mini Egg Muffins: 

Begin by preheating your oven to 375 degrees. Next, you will need to spray cooking oil onto the muffin tins. You should not use muffin liners because the egg will stick to them if you do this. Once your muffin tins are lined with oil, put the meat you’ve chosen to use in the bottom. Next, the Broccoli or the onion goes in, and finally, the cheese and the green onions if you’re using it. If you can manage it, you want each muffin to receive the same amount of meat, vegetable, and cheese trimmings. Now, the muffin cups should be about two-thirds of the way complete. This is just enough room for the eggs. Next, find a large bowl and break the eggs into it. Throw a dash of pepper into the eggs if you enjoy a peppery taste. Beat this mixture until the yokes of the eggs have all blended nicely, and then pour over each muffin tin. The muffin tin should be about three-fourths of the way complete by this point. Finally, stir each muffin tin mixture so the egg coats everything inside. Bake for between twenty-five to thirty-five minutes. The muffins should be slightly brown when they’re ready to serve. These muffins will stay fresh for about a week as long as they’re kept in the refrigerator. 

Nutritional Information Per Muffin

  •   Calories 74 
  •   Total Fat 3.7 grams
  •   Protein 7.6 grams 
  •   Carbohydrates 2.3 grams

South Beach Diet Breakfast Recipe 3: Breakfast Casserole with 

Bell Peppers, Roasted Tomatoes, Feta and Oregano

  • 10 eggs 
  • 1 cup of cherry tomatoes, sliced in half 
  • ¾ cup of feta cheese 
  • ½ teaspoon of oregano 
  • 1 green bell pepper with the seeds removed, cut into thin strips 
  • Olive oil for prepping the pan 

Directions for the Breakfast Casserole with Bell Peppers, 

Roasted Tomatoes, Feta and Oregano

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Next, brush your 9 by 9-inch baking pan with olive oil, and make sure you’re touching the sides of the pan when you do this. Next, prep your vegetables by following the specifications listed in the ingredient section. Place your peppers into the dish and sprinkle your ½ teaspoon oregano. Put this concoction in the oven for ten minutes. As the green peppers and oregano cook, find a bowl that will fit all the eggs and crack them into the bowl. Beat the eggs together until the yolks are blended well. Season the eggs with pepper if you would like. Next, remove the peppers from the oven and add the cherry tomatoes into the baking dish. Stick the dish back into the range and roast this concoction for fifteen minutes. You are going to want to check on the tomatoes during this step. If they begin to look shriveled, they’re done, and you can take them out of the oven early. Once the baking dish is out of the range, sprinkle your feta over the peppers and tomatoes. Pour the eggs over the vegetables, making sure that the eggs are covering everything evenly. Cook for 25 to 28 minutes or until the top of the casserole has browned nicely. Once cooled, cut the casserole into thirds so you have nine slices of casserole total.

Nutritional Information Per Slice of Casserole

  •   Calories 74 
  •   Total Fat 3.7 grams
  •   Protein 7.6 grams 
  •   Carbohydrates 2.3 grams

 South Beach Diet Breakfast Recipe 4: Cream Cheese and Salmon Breakfast Sandwiches

  • 2 ounces of reduced-fat cream cheese 
  • 6 ounces of smoked salmon, sliced thin
  • 8 slices of whole-grain bread, also sliced thin 
  • 2 tablespoons of chives, chopped 
  • 4 tablespoons of margarine, trans-fat-free 
  • Freshly ground black pepper to garnish 

Directions for Cream Cheese and Salmon Breakfast Sandwiches

This dish will serve up to four people. Begin by laying out your thin slices of bread on a clean countertop or other type of pure surface. Spread each slice of bread with one tablespoon of cream cheese, and then choose four slices of bread that will receive the salmon slices. Once the salmon is on the bread, sprinkle each piece with chives and pepper. Place the remaining four pieces of bread that do not have salmon on them on top of the salmon slices with the cream cheese side facing down. Next, prepare a non-stick skillet with two of the four tablespoons of margarine. Put two of the sandwiches into the skillet once it’s heated up a bit, and push on the top of the sandwich so that they flatten out a bit. Next, cook these for about two minutes on each side until each side is golden brown. Remove the first two sandwiches from heat before continuing onto the following sandwiches. When you cook the following two sandwiches, make sure that you put your last two teaspoons of margarine into the pan so that the remaining two sandwiches do not burn. 

Nutritional Information Per Salmon Sandwich

  •   Calories 240
  •   Total Fat 11 grams
  •   Protein 19 grams 
  •   Carbohydrates 18 grams

 South Beach Diet Breakfast Recipe 5: Banana-Blackberry Wakeup Smoothie

  • ½ cup blackberries and a few more for garnish
  • 1 banana, cut into quarters. This should be about a half-cup 
  • ¾ cup low-fat yoghurt of your choice 
  • 1 and ½ teaspoons sugar substitute, optional
  • 1 and ½ teaspoons wheat germ 
  • 3 ice cubes

Directions for Banana-Blackberry Wakeup Smoothie 

You will need a blender for this recipe. Place the bananas and the blackberries into the blender first, and blend these two ingredients until smooth. Next, add the yogurt and the sugar substitute if you’re using it, along with the ice cubes and wheat germ. Blend everything, and then place this entire mixture into two ten-ounce glasses. If you left some blackberries for the garnish, put these on top before serving. 

Nutritional Information Per 10 Ounces of Smoothie

  •   Calories 100
  •   Total Fat .5 grams
  •   Protein 5 grams
  •   Carbohydrates 21 grams

 South Beach Diet Breakfast Recipe 6: Breakfast Pizza 

  • 4 eggs, large
  • 2 plum tomatoes, sliced thin
  • 4 ounces of packed spinach, about 4 cups 
  • 5 teaspoons of olive oil 
  • 2 whole-grain pitas, cut in half horizontally 
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt 
  • ¼ teaspoon of pepper 
  • 2 ounces of feta cheese, about ½ of a cup, crumbled 

Directions for the Breakfast Pizza 

Who doesn’t love pizza? When you’re on the South Beach Diet, you can eat pizza for breakfast! Well, sort of. This variation of the traditional pizza is much healthier. Begin by preheating your oven to 450 degrees. Next, grab your largest skillet and heat one tablespoon of olive oil in the pan on medium heat. Next, put your spinach into the pan and cook until it is adequately wilted. This will take between two to three minutes, possibly longer. As the spinach is cooking, take your rounds of pita and brush the inside with another teaspoon of oil each. Once you’ve touched all the pitas with the olive oil, put all the games onto a baking sheet and bake in the oven for about five minutes. You want the pita to become brown and slightly crisp. Once they’re browned, remove them from the oven. Be careful not to overcook the pita. Divide the tomato that you have among the various slices of pita that you have, and do the same with the spinach. Ensure you leave enough room in the center of your pita for an egg. Finally, crack an egg over each slice of pita and adorn this egg with salt and pepper. Place the pita rounds back into the oven on the same baking sheet you used, and bake for between eight to ten minutes. You want the egg yolk to look like it does when you’re making a sunny-side-up egg. The egg should be runny but stabilized. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and sprinkle the pita rounds with your cheese. Lastly, place the baking sheet back in the range with the cheese on top of the pita and cook for two more minutes. Serve these pizza renditions warm. 

Nutritional Information Pita Round of Pizza

  •   Calories 250
  •   Total Fat 13 grams
  •   Protein 13 grams  
  •   Carbohydrates 21 grams